
CloudFilesenablesyoutostoreandretrievefilesandCDN-enabledcontentthroughaRESTful(RepresentationalStateTransfer)webservices ...,RackspaceoffersaflexibleandscalablesolutiontoobjectstoragethroughitsCloudFilesservice.Thecorestoragesystemisdesignedtoprovideasecure, ...,CloudFiles,poweredbyOpenStack®,provideseasy-to-useonlinestorageforfilesandmediawhichcanbedeliveredgloballyatblazingspeeds.,CloudFile...

Rackspace Cloud Files API 1.0

Cloud Files enables you to store and retrieve files and CDN-enabled content through a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) web services ...

Quickstart for Cloud Files

Rackspace offers a flexible and scalable solution to object storage through its Cloud Files service. The core storage system is designed to provide a secure, ...

Rackspace Cloud Files — Cyberduck Help documentation

Cloud Files, powered by OpenStack®, provides easy-to-use online storage for files and media which can be delivered globally at blazing speeds.

Cloud Files

Cloud Files, powered by OpenStack®, provides an easy to use online storage for files and media which can be delivered globally at blazing speeds.

Cloud Files overview

Cloud Files is an affordable, redundant, scalable, and dynamic storage service offering. The core storage system is designed to provide a safe, secure, ...

Cloud Files - FAQs

How can I get live support for Cloud Files? Support is available by email at [email protected] Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM CST.

Rackspace Cloud

Offerings include Cloud Storage (Cloud Files), virtual private server (Cloud Servers), load balancers, databases, backup, and monitoring. Rackspace Cloud ...

How to download the saved images in the Rackspace cloud server?

Step 1, make a container named export under Storage > Files inside the rackspace cloud control panel. Step 2, customize this script and ...

Rackspace Cloud Files Get Objects In Container C#

A common problem is not specifying the region. When your Rackspace cloud account's default region is not the same region as where your ...

Rackspace Cloud Files Enhanced

供應中 This Add-On provides you, your clients and your users with easy, secure access to Rackspace Cloud Files containers. Get free support and updates for 1 year!